I used to be one of those people that installed a new Linux distribution every other week, searching for the One True Desktop Linux which had the winning combination of, well, just working.
Now I’m one of those people who’s never satisfied with their blogging platform. Blogger’s lacking in style and modern features. Tumblr is better and has nice social integration features, but it doesn’t quite feel right for a company blog in the sense that it’s main focus is tumblogging – sharing little bits, not writing full articles. Because of that, I’ve just moved the Oscillicious blog over to WordPress, so that I’ve got a better platform to write with.
I’m really excited about what I’ve been working on recently, and I’m going to start writing about it in one way or another, so stay tuned. August is going to be an interesting month.
For reference, the old Tumblr blog is still online here.
Update: I managed to customize a WordPress theme and integrate it so it matches the rest of the site more or less. Sweet!